Measuring the performance of computer vision artificial intelligence to interpret images of HIV self-testing results
Introduction: HIV self-testing (HIVST) is highly sensitive and specific, addresses known barriers to HIV testing (such as stigma), and is recommended by the World Health Organization as a testing option for the delivery of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Nevertheless, HIVST remains underutilized as a diagnostic tool in community-based, differentiated HIV service delivery models, possibly due to concerns about result misinterpretation, which could lead to inadvertent onward transmission of HIV, delays in antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation, and incorrect initiation on PrEP. Ensuring that HIVST results are accurately interpreted for correct clinical decisions will be critical to maximizing HIVST's potential. Early evidence from a few small pilot studies suggests that artificial intelligence (AI) computer vision and machine learning could potentially assist with this task. As part of a broader study that task-shifted HIV testing to a new setting and cadre of healthcare provider (pharmaceutical technologists at private pharmacies) in Kenya, we sought to understand how well AI technology performed at interpreting HIVST results.
Conclusions: AI computer vision technology shows promise as a tool for providing additional quality assurance of HIV testing, particularly for catching Type II error (false-negative test interpretations) committed by human end-users. We discuss possible use cases for this technology to support differentiated HIV service delivery and identify areas for future research that is needed to assess the potential impacts—both positive and negative—of deploying this technology in real-world HIV service delivery settings.
Flow diagram of study procedures
Performance indices comparing the sensitivity and specificity of the AI algorithm to the pharmacy provider and pharmacy client groups. An index >1 indicates that the AI algorithm performed better than the indicated human group.